Acupuncture, in its simplest sense, is the treatment of conditions or symptoms by the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body in order to produce a response. Acupuncture stimulates healing of some conditions, and provides effective pain relief in others. If properly applied, it may eliminate the need for surgery in certain conditions. Following surgery, it can improve the patients’ comfort level and speed up the post-operative recovery period. In some cases, it may reduce or eliminate the need for chronic medication.
Dr. Darlene Berkovitz completed her training in acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine at the Chi Institute. She complements conventional Western Medicine with traditional veterinary acupuncture to offer your pet the best treatment plan. Acupuncture is very safe and there are no negative side effects when administered by a trained professional. Please call us as the clinic at (608) 222-8387 to discuss if acupuncture can benefit your furry friend.